We continue with: The Keys To Staying -Part 2- Focusing our speech especially on the feeding of our organism ...
4) Take Fiber Every Day
Ingesting only 30 grams of fiber per day, we maintain the blood sugar level, avoiding insulin rises that make us eat compulsively. A daily ration of whole grains at breakfast, rice, whole wheat bread, vegetables or celery, chard, cabbage, radish or spinach, provide the amount of fiber our body needs.
5) Drink 2 liters of water per day
Drinking water is not only an indispensable condition to carry a balanced diet, but also to lose weight, or avoid fluid retention. The hydration, so necessary for our body, is achieved through the water of the food we eat and the water we drink. In most vegetables and fruits more then 90% is water, so it is interesting to include these foods in the diet. But we must not forget that we have to take, daily, between 1.5 and 2 liters of water to balance losses and maintain the proper level of hydration. In this way, our body will be perfectly hydrated and we will more easily eliminate the toxins that harm it.
6) Eat Slowly
When you sit down at the table, do not let the glutton be able to. Chew well and slowly (you have to try to chew each bite 30 times), savoring the food as much as possible. A good meal requires your time, because it is not just a matter of swallowing food, but of enjoying the pleasure it gives us. Chewing and salivating well food not only eat less, because you will feel satiated before, but you will enjoy more pleasant sensations than if you eat at full speed.